Farewell from the Nairns !

A final blog to say ‘alavida’ (goodbye)!

We have now received our sea shipment, spent the week trying to find homes for everything and finally starting to feel settled in at home. In saying that, we often have moments of missing our expat life and hope our expat friends are still safe and surviving this COVID chaos in India.

The shipment was delivered last week by Indians. Of course it was!! A final crazy experience of 2 trucks, 180 boxes, 2 men and an arrival time of 1pm. Yeah, they were not getting that job done in a day...... it really was one ridiculous experience that extended to the next day. However, everything arrived and only a couple of minor breakages, so it’s finally done!

The boys are doing well, enjoying the freedom of living in Sydney, especially now that their bikes have arrived and they can ride to the local park after school every day to kick a footie.

We haven’t resorted to cooking a curry yet, but it’s starting to feel like time for a biriyani or curry very soon. We are definitely missing the luxury of having Menika coming daily to clean for us - I am going to have to ensure all visitors avoid the boys bathroom..... oh my god !!!! 

I am still loving the freedom that living in Australia brings - well unless your ‘freedom’ is in Melbourne lockdown .... going where I want, when I want, without a driver, without security checks, without staring. It’s great.

Our day to day life is now very normal - exercise/sport, work/school, washing, shopping, cleaning. No more crazy Indian stories or fabulous international travel opportunities. I have loved writing my blog but really feel that there is nothing more to say.  Thank you for coming along for the ride. Alavida. 


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