Covid19 - Bangalore update Week 2

It's been a tough week for the Nairn's in Bangalore.  I really think the world has gone made and the shit is getting real for us here.  Some of the not so great things that have happened this week are:
  • A number of Indian states are shutting their land borders which is causing chaos for many but appears to be being adhered too by most people
  • As of tomorrow morning there will be no flights in or our of India for one week (for now…..)  This came in on Thursday night and led to some very difficult and hastened decisions by many of our expat friends. We decided that, for a number of reasons, that it was best for us to stay put in India and ride this one out.  We were not keen on being seperated, with Mike staying here, so it was a rather simple decision in the end.
  • The boys and I haven't left the gated community all week.  Mike is only going to and from work.  They have a large number of staff working from home and they are taking temperatures on the way in to the building daily.
  • Sadly, we have had to cancel our home trip before Easter, as we couldn't get back on the date we had planned.  All our other trips that we have planned/booked before we finish up in June are quickly evaporating
  • The malls, cinemas etc are still shut and that has now been extended until the end of March
  • I am definitely sick of cooking and prepping food for my family all day every day !!!  I seriously feel like the kitchen has become a cafe - with some very rude customers!
  • Sadly, the other two Aussie families living in our community made the rushed decision this week to leave India.  One family has actually left for good - it was very rushed and led to sad farewells on Thursday and then another on Friday. The other family will hopefully be back as soon as the borders open.  The boys and I already missing our friends and the time we spend together, especially now that we are in lockdown.  I am definitely looking forward to a big brunch together when they return.
  • The markets are in free-fall leading to job options becoming scarce.
  • The plans for running our gated community if things get worse are becoming weirder by the day with limited staff and restrictions on who can come in/out.  It is all manageable …. for now!
  • There is a nationwide curfew on Sunday from 7am to 9pm. It’s a ‘Janta Curfew’, which translates to a people curfew.  We are restricted to the inside of our home and at 5pm tomorrow we are all to go to our doorstep/balcony and applaud/clap for the frontline workers.  Fun times…….  Tomorrow is going to be a very very long day.
On a more positive note:
  • Our homeschooling routine has gone well this week - the boys had plenty of time to play as well as time to fight.  So business as usual !!
  • We are still receiving deliveries - sporadically but we are not starving and the stores are making it easy for us to get the basics.  Thank goodness for a big fridge and freezer !!
  • We are still getting water delivered and even with his broken English, it seems things will be ok in the short term.
  • We still have a decent stock of alcohol, thank goodness, because the liquor stores and bars and pubs are all shut !
  • The boys still have the open space in our community to play and get some exercise and fresh air but it's getting hot now and the pool being closed is really annoying.  I may need to rig up a sprinkler type situation in our garden.
  • I am able to still do my 'outside' walk but the gym being closed is a pain in the bum.
  • Our Internet is still faster than Australia but not always as reliable.
I hope you are all staying safe and being responsible.  We are definitely isolating and will continue to do so until we can no longer manage, then who knows what we will do.

PE at home

 a bit of boxing

Max getting some craft in

this is what the day looks like…….

fabulous friends - we miss you all terribly !

The Aussie Chicks

Max's feeling it a bit :(

The streets in the community are very very quiet

But outside the garbage is still being 'collected, sort of 


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