Deodorant, or lack there of, in India !

A normal and 'necessary' part of most of our daily lives is the use of certain personal hygiene products.  Now, I understand that I sit in a very privileged situation in being able to afford these products and have access to buy premium products from home when we travel there.

However, as I go about my daily life here in India I could be mistaken to think that deodorant is not readily available, or stocked at all.  This is NOT the case and based on the number of advertisements that we are bombarded with, it is a big market.  So, why is it not working ?  Well, my thoughts on this are that people only wear it when they feel they 'should' - maybe to work ?  One place they are NOT wearing it is the gym……..    I spent most of my time gagging while trying to run today……. it was incredible!

As I mentioned, the advertising of deodorant has exploded in India and the key demographic is men.  Every second ad on TV is for 'body spray' that is often advertised as a product you spray 'around' your body and on occasions only on your clothes.   I wish they knew that this completely defeats the purpose of the purchase.  The other aspect of the ads is that it will make you more attractive to the opposite sex - well only if it works, surely !!  Below, are some snapshots of the advertisements we see daily.

Be very very grateful you do not have the capacity to smell through this blog…….

maybe I should invest in a mask for the gym !!!


  1. I feel you! Similar odors in Dubai from the Indian population (not all but definitely an issue). Those ads are hilarious!!


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