Braces for Jack

There are a number of medical procedures that are very popular to have done while in India - mainly due to the reduced cost.  Obviously, some of those, like plastic surgery or eye surgery, come with greater risks of infection etc but one of the less risky procedures is getting dental work completed - particularly getting braces.  When we lived here previously, the boys were too young to get them and now that we are back and have a teen and tween, we are definitely signing up for some cheap dental work.

First cab off the rank is Jack.  As he is 13 years old, it is the perfect time to get them fitted.  The cost of getting the ceramic braces (more expensive than the metal ones) is about a third of the price of the same braces in Australia.  He will need them on for about 18 months, so hopefully, he will complete his dentist work in India !!  Max still has to lose a couple of molars before he can get them fitted, but I am making him wriggle those teeth every day !!

After visiting with Jack, I too have decided to get my spacing corrected and will be getting the clear tray braces - hopefully only for about a year but should help with the crowding that I have :)


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