How can this happen - Shocking !

This week in Hyderabad there was an incredibly sad story of a young boy dying from being electrocuted.  The 6 year old boy was playing in his gated community after school with his friends, when he came in contact with a live wire near a lamp post.  The shocking thing, (no pun intended) is that I am surprised that this sort of incident doesn't happen more often.  The number of live wires or bare wires that I see daily is insane, and you just don't know whether they are connected or not.  Kids are playing Russian roulette when they play outside in India.

The little boy was playing football when he went to get the ball and came in contact with the post, he was then drawn in to the pole and stayed in contact for more than a minute without anyone noticing or able to assist.  By the time people realised what was happening, it was too late.  The live wire had been left uncovered since late January, by the maintenance staff, in a community full of children.  Attached is the link to the CCTV footage - please note it is quite distressing to watch.

Stories like this are just too commonplace in India and it is so sad that often the casualties are young children.  The photos attached are from a small section of a walk I do most days in Bangalore - who knows how many of them are live or not?  I have had times where sparks have occurred from wires, so I would believe that more than half of these could cause harm.

This is at a school bus stop

This is in 'our' community.  The tape on the end doesn't fill me with comfort.

these poor cows…… they are eating plastic, styrofoam, rotten food…..

and even burning piles of garbage

this lovely lady and her son where collecting pallets - she was NOT young…...

Her sandal broke while this was happening, so her son was fixing it for her :)

This is a public toilet - there is 'liquid' flowing everywhere from it……..argh !!


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