Escalator Rules Indian Style

Escalators are a relatively new concept to India and it is very obvious just how new when you arrive at the airport or visit a mall on a weekend where escalators are installed.  The sheer terror that many people have of trying to step on to an escalator is hilarious, but also incredibly frustrating, as they hold both sides and spend a good few minutes trying to work out if it is really safe to step on this terrifying machine.

In the malls, it is such a new and scary concept that they often have security guards at the bottom of the escalator giving instructions.  In one particular mall I frequent regularly, the guards have whistles and if you attempt to walk, of god forbid run, on the escalator you will get a very loud reprimand with the guard yelling and then blowing his whistle to make you stand still.  Of course, Max has been in trouble numerous times, and now does it for fun.

I could never quite understand the serious need for this until one day when I saw a lady walking down the escalator in her sari and she tripped on it and fell, luckily only a few steps, but she was quite badly hurt.  So, I now understand the reasoning behind standing still but am now concerned that the sari could still get caught in the mechanism even without walking, and I have a better appreciation for the terror many of these Indian ladies have for this modern contraption.  However, don't get me started on the impractical nature of a sari for travelling, shopping etc.  I have no idea how these ladies do it day in, day out.

In other escalator news there was a recent story of a young toddler who slipped out of the hands of his grandfather and fell to his death on an escalator here in Bangalore.  So, maybe the Indian's have a valid reason for not using these modern inventions.  And just last week a commuter was given a fine and heavy reprimand by guards at a Metro station for walking up the escalator so he didn't miss his train. He was not happy and filed a complaint.

As you can imagine Max and I flaunt these rules every opportunity we get.  I am happy to challenge the guards and enjoy an occasional ticking off by "authority" - I use that term loosely, as I think a man with a whistle does not actually have any power and I would still back myself. 

Escalators - those very scary things !!


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